Tag Archives: augmented reality

the reality of augmented reality

So for now I guess everyone should believe Location based Augmented reality should be the next big thing.
A lot of amazing phone applications has been released, and we are mesmerized by the demo as well.

However, let’s be realistic, demo is demo, to apply the demo to real life is another thing, I truly appreciate we have someone to tell us to calm down a bit on the technology, having said that, this is absolutely the most exciting tech in the next 5 years.

Please read the 2 articles from Zugara, is very interesting & informative:



and to make this entry looks better, i have to embed 1-2 AR app here for your eye candy

GPS + Compass, the next thing

GPS + Compass on mobile, creating an augmented reality

MUST be the next thing

maybe in 5 years, this will be another big step from web 1.0 to web 2.0

this is not web 3.0, since you cannot separate the real & the virtual world anymore

the world is the web is the world

G1 phone


Augmented reality on G-phone

“The G1 phone has a built-in compass, which means that it can not only determine where users are, but also which direction they’re facing. Which gets interesting when combined with the phone’s camera, which is what the Dutch bank’s new tool does.”

this is what the ING bank doing on G-phone, when you take a photo, they will indicate where’s the nearest ATM on your photo, isn’t it cool?

To apply it on a travel guide, this could be a highly interactive travel book.

I think this feature is cool!